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Travis Maxey
5 min read
Who is El Olam? Mighty and Enduring in our Sojourning
"El Olam" is best rendered be rendered Mighty and Everlasting.
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Travis Maxey
4 min read
Who is El Elyon? Protector of His Posessions
This name is clearly connected in both Genesis and Daniel to God’s possession, the people of God.
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Travis Maxey
2 min read
Who is Elohim? Powerful God
It is the plural name of "El" God, meaning all might or all power. Elohim is the Eternal mighty powerful God of Creation!
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Travis Maxey
3 min read
Who is Yahweh? The Personal God
Yahweh, the name of God comes from the Hebrew verb which means "to be."
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Travis Maxey
4 min read
Who is Adonai? Complete Possession & Complete Submission
Adonai in its simplest meaning is master and signifying ownership.
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Travis Maxey
3 min read
What does it mean that God is Merciful?
God does not punish those who are worthy of punishment. Rather, instead, He blesses them.
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Travis Maxey
4 min read
What does it mean that God is Kind?
God is generous in giving life and breath to people who are undeserving.
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Travis Maxey
4 min read
What does it mean that God is Patient and Long-Suffering?
God is slow to administer justice so that mankind could be saved.
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Travis Maxey
8 min read
What does it mean that God is Sovereign?
This means that God is all-powerful, that God is able to do all His holy will and no one can thwart His plans.
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Travis Maxey
5 min read
What does it mean that God is Love?
God's love is a wholehearted giving of oneself to others.
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Travis Maxey
8 min read
What does it mean that God is Savior?
God saves because He is a savior!
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Travis Maxey
6 min read
What does it mean that God is Righteous?
God always acts in accordance with what is right and that He is the final standard of what is right.
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Travis Maxey
4 min read
What does it mean that God is Good?
God is morally perfect, not capable of anything immoral, and the standard of what is good.
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Travis Maxey
4 min read
What does it mean that God is All-Knowing?
He knows everything perfectly and knows how to respond to everything perfectly.
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Travis Maxey
4 min read
What does it mean that God is Independent?
God doesn’t need us or the rest of creation for anything.
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Travis Maxey
17 min read
What does it mean that God is Trinity?
The Bible teaches that there is one eternal God. The one true God exists in three distinct Persons who share the same nature.
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Travis Maxey
4 min read
What does it mean that God is Unchanging?
God who has always been was the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow: He never changes.
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Travis Maxey
6 min read
What does it mean that God is HOLY?
God's holiness means that He is separated from sin and devoted to seeking His own honor (Leviticus 19:2; 1 Peter 1:14-16; Isaiah 6:3).
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Travis Maxey
3 min read
What does it mean that God is Eternal?
It means that God was never created but is the Creator and Sustainer of all things. He is the uncreated Creator.
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Travis Maxey
6 min read
What does it mean that God is Faithful?
God's faithfulness means that He is always going to do what He says He is going to do.
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